Fantastic XML Graphene Spray Quick Coating

Graphene is widely known as a one atom thick two dimensional sheet of carbon that is tightly packed into honey comb structure. In simple terms Graphene can be described as a single layer of graphite. A single layer of mineral that you are familiar with. Graphite before converted into Graphene is a soft, flexible, extremely heat resistant mineral. Once converted it becomes the thinnest and the strongest yet flexible mineral in the world. It makes a great addition to the automotive paint protection industry.

It makes car hydrophobic, high gloss, anti-static, anti-dust, anti-corrosion, and less absorbent to heat.

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Spray Coating or detailers are convenient form of coating, though they form a very light coat but with perfect gloss and coverage, they protect the car’s exterior layer. Whether it’s your car paint or the ceramic coating, spray coating ads extra layer of protection.

Not just by name, Fantastic XML Graphene Spray is fantastic by itself. It is a superior and most advance form of detailer. Powered with Graphene, Fantastic does a fantastic job. So either it’s a detailing job or a maintenance job it gives the car fresh and glossy look.

If you are using normal ceramic coating the spray enrich the coating with the Graphene additive. It boosts the power of your existing product by its strength and protection.

Graphene is a high strength compound that creates a bonding with car paint and hardens the outer shell. The Graphene detailers are tonic for your car paint and ceramic coatings.

Next time whenever a car comes to you for maintenance coat, don’t forget to use Fantastic XML Graphene spray.

Application Method:

For ceramic coated cars:

If the car is ceramic coated and came for maintenance,

  1. Wash the car with regenerating shampoo or any other shampoo to remove residues and waxes.
  2. Apply Fantastic XML Graphene spray over each panel through Fabric/Towel/Sponge.
  4. Spread the layer to whole car
  5. Wait for 10 minutes to get it dry
  6. Polish with dry micro fabric for glossy shine
  7. The car is now protected

For car with no other ceramic coating job:

For economical jobs, the client don’t pay for ceramic coatings. Don’t worry Fantastic XML Graphene spray is here.

 If you have done compounding and rubbing you need to follow these steps.

  1. Wash the car with regenerating shampoo or any other shampoo to remove residues and waxes.
  2. Apply Fantastic XML Graphene spray over each panel through Fabric/Towel/Sponge.
  4. Spread the layer to whole car
  5. Wait for 10 minutes to get it dry
  6. Polish with dry micro fabric for glossy shine
  7. The car is now protected